Domain Name Management Company
Domain Name Management Company

Extra Info

Extra Information
Here you can find snippets of extra detail on subjects or terms you might not be familiar with.

Click the links on the right and hopefully we will answer your questions.

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us.

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[ What is HTML? ]
[ What is XML? ]
[ What is Flash? ]
[ Why Flash? ]
[ What is PHP? ]
[ Dynamic Content? ]
[ What is DNS? ]
[ Client / Server Side? ]
[ Brand Protection? ]

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What is HTML?
HTML stands for...

HyperText Markup Language

HTML is the basis for nearly every website, it controls the layout and look of the text and graphics that you (the surfer) see. You may hear of sites being made in other languages such as PHP, ASP or CGI but they are all used to generate HTML.

An example of HTML:
<html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body topmargin="25"> <p><br> <center><img src="dnms.jpg" width="280" height="34" border="0" alt="Domain Name Management Company"><br> <font size="3" face ="verdana" color="#0000FF"><b>Domain Name Management Company</b></font></center><p> <font color=blue face="arial"> Hello There </font> <br> <b>This</b> is an <sup>example!</sup> <br><p> <center><font size="2" color="#0000FF" face ="verdana"><a href="index.html">Home</a> | <a href="services.html">Services</a> | <a href="press.html">Press Help</a> | <a href="about.html">About Us</a> | <a href="contact.html">Contact</a></font></center> </body> </html>
What is XML?
XML stands for...

eXtensible Markup Language

XML is similar to HTML in the fact that they are Markup Languages, but that's it. XML is much more flexible and is not tailored for any specific purpose. XML is purely a standardised way of storing data in an 'intelligent' way.

Imagine all data across the internet was stored in the same way? Everything that used that data would work by the same method, there would be no conversion or limitation problems, data could be shared easily!

XML is also a way of keeping your data separate from your design and layout. HTML tells the browser how to display the data, XML just states what the data is, the use of stylesheets and scripts handle the visual side of that data.

An example of XML:

<library> <book> <author>Douglas Hill</author> <title>Young Legionary</title> <published>1982<published> <category>SciFi</category> </book> </library>
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What is Flash?
Flash is a medium used to generate simple or complex animations on web sites, that the user can interact with. At the moment we recommend to use Flash as an aid to the standard HTML but it is possible to create whole sites using this very versatile tool.

As you can see below a useful feature of flash is that it's built up out of vectors (points and distances), so it can be scaled up/down very easily.
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Why Flash?
Flash should be used in place of HTML where complex animations or interaction is required. It is very useful for introduction sequences to sites, or for sites that need to be more graphical and eye catching. [ Back to top ]
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What is PHP?
PHP is an extremley well thought out server-side scripting language that is used to generate dynamic webpages, and has made development of complex sites a lot easier for the developer (thank you Zend).

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Dynamic Content?
Dynamic content basically means that the page can changes what it displays to the user dependant on either database information, user data, cookies and server side applications.

An example of Dynamic Content:

The date is...
Tuesday, September 02, 2003

The above date is generated by a function of PHP that reads in the server time and then formats it in a certain way! if you hit your refresh button you will see this date update!

<? echo date('F jS, Y, g:i:s a',time()) ?>
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What is DNS?
DNS stands for "Domain Name System" (or sometimes "Domain Name Server".)

Each machine connected to the Internet has one (or more) unique identification numbers called IP addresses. These come in the form of four numbers (between 0 and 255) separated by a dot (e.g. However, "" is a lot easier for us to remember than

So in short DNS provides a system for mapping names to numbers and back again.

In order to ensure smooth operation of the domain names system certain standards should be followed and without following these standard web sites can cause performance issues and errors which can affect large parts of the Internet.

We have extensive experience managing large complex Internet zones and we can advise you on your DNS as well as perform a review to ensure you are operating your internet services at optimum.

Just click here to find our more.
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Client / Server Side?
Client Side means anything that is processed at the browsers end (your computer)

JavaScript is an example of client side scripting, the script is sent to your browser (with-in the HTML) and once your browser has recieved the JavaScript it then get processed by your computer.

The benifits of client side script is that is can have control over things that server code can't reach.

The disadvantage is that you can't rely on client side code as there are always compatibility issues and the user can stop the script from running. It is also impossible to fully protect any code that you create for client side use from those who might want to "borrow" it.

Server Side means anything that is processed at the servers end (where the website is kept)

PHP, ASP, CGI are all examples of this - the code is stored and processed on the server and the result is sent back to the users browser. The user never sees this code or has any control over it (only the output), also there are no compatibility problems as you control where the code is executed.

It is good to use server side code for the major part of your dynamic site, and use client side as extra help and convinience for those who can use it.
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Brand Protection?
We can help you consolidate all your global domains in to us so that you have access from a single provider simplifying billing and other admin tasks for your organisation.

We can also act to implement defensive registrations of large numbers of domains for your organisation in a cost effective manner.

You can read more about how we can help monitor your brand here and more of our specialist brand protection services like domain recovery here
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